Our Product
Our procurement module is a three stage work-flow based system. It has three critical sections: pre-tendering, tendering/bidding and post-tender stages.
Procurechains provides efficient and strict control of procurement processes, and effectively administer web-based procurement cycle.
The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) has revolutionised corporate operations in both the private and public sectors. Corporations and institutions are forced to migrate from paper-based systems and adopt the latest innovation. Any organisation which ignore the possibilities offered by latest technology do so at their own peril.
ProcureChains is an innovative web-based enterprise management system which provides the best breed of technology and supply chain management best practices both for private and public sector clientele. It includes the following modules: Procurement Module; Contract Management Module; Inventory and Stores Management Module; and Fleet and Logistics Management Module.
The Procurement Module is three staged work-flow based system. It has three critical sections: pre-tender, tendering and post-tender stages. It provides efficient and strict control of procurement processes, and effectively administer web-based procurement cycle.
Public Sector
Our public sector clientele includes sundry government ministries and parastatals across the globe.
Public Sector
ProcureChain is designed for both goods, works and consulting service industries. The product can be custom made to the relevant needs of the client.
Government Industry
Goods Industry
Work Industry
Consulting Industry
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